The Working Environment demands your input
When you are working for an organization or company you have to realize that there are many expectations that the company expects from you. Remember, as an employee in the working environment you are no passenger. You have to continuously prove your relevance at meetings, at important work events or at workshops. Its an ongoing exercise that demands your commitment and foresight wisdom, you have to be relevant and not be a passenger at all. You should also realize that sometimes new management may join the organization and most times they are scrutinizing who to lay off and who to recruit. Lets look at one area where some employees just completely fail to prove their relevance, it is at meetings. Now when we talk of meetings we mean meetings from the regular staff meeting, board meetings or workshops. You got to believe it, some employees will never learn.
Employees who fail to learn.
In the working environment, when your boss suddenly comes to the office and invites you for an important meeting he isn't inviting you because you look handsome or beautiful, he is expecting serious input from you. He wants you to participate in the meeting and bring out constructive ideas. Now imagine this scene, here is an employee called Mark in the middle of a meeting with his boss seated across the room. They are talking about investment options with other staff members. Notice this scene,
Boss: Investment in this country is just so unbelievable. Cost of doing business in country A and country B are just terrible. The interest rates aren't even right at all, I think we should go for country C. But one economist mentioned that going for that option would be too risky, what do you think Mark?
Mark: Am sorry i missed you the first time, can you repeat.
Boss: I said that cost of doing business is so expensive in these countries. You obviously read the reports right? I mean we need to make a decision today on where to put our money on. What do you think?
Mark: Yeah I think throwing money around is a good option. We really need to invest you know.
Boss: Yes Ofcourse we know that already, but what I am asking is where do you think we should invest? You obviously read the reports right?
Mark (smiling) : Oh that....Yes now I remember.
Do you see any problem with this scene? It is obvious isn't it....Mark wasn't at all prepared for the meeting. It's either he wasn't paying attention or he just wasn't relevant. If he continues to keep that up, he will be making himself a possible target for eviction from the working environment. There is need to remember a number of things when you are invited for a meeting in the working environment. See the pointers below;
Making a Meeting a grand success
Whenever you have an opportunity to participate at meetings, you have to participate and give constructive points and contributions that can go a long way. There is need to pay attention to what is being discussed and not just agree on anything that comes your way. You have to pay attention and respect everyone's contribution because that is basically where it begins. Now here are a few pointers that can help you become a grand success at meetings in the working environment.
1) Prepare for the Meeting; When your Boss invites you for a meeting well in advance his gone easy on you because many times bosses will just invite you at short notice. Now if you have had the privilege of receiving news early make sure to prepare. You should prepare by knowing exactly how you will contribute to the meeting. You shouldn't feel shy to ask what the meeting is about.
2) Arrive early for the Meeting; In the working environment, don't be late for the meeting because that is just rude and doesn't show that you are professional. Arriving for meetings early will enable you start the discussions and end them without having to catch up to speed had you been late for the meeting at all.
3) Be Confident; In the working environment, when you are invited by your boss its not because you are good-looking. Its because your boss knows that you can provide the needed input for the meeting to move things forward. You must build your confidence if you are to be of any help or assistance to the company, you have to work hard work smart by building your confidence. How can you build your confidence? you can start by looking confident and preparing your mind for the meeting. Have a good nights sleep in the first place and wear your best suit or clothing for the meeting. Be yourself!
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