Networking and You in the Working World
You have heard this saying before right that no man is an island where ever you go to. The thing is the world as we know it today is a global village and it is just not possible to remain isolated. The truth is we need each other and so do you. The same goes with the working environment were you find a combination of alot of participants such as employees, employers, customers, competitors and the list goes on. When it comes to the working environment, there may be things you need from person A which person B cannot offer you, or perhaps person B may need something from you which person A cannot offer. That's were the art of networking comes in which involves you connecting yourself with various players of the working world in order to get your job done and make it alot easier. However, lets go deeper into understanding networking in the working environment.Networking in the Working Environment, A Necessity???
Depending on what you think or how you do things, networking is a necessity in a way. Here is a good example, you are a consultant who is always on his toes in search of a lucrative contract. Everybody understands how horribly difficult it is to find business when self employed. But you may ask yourself, how do consultants actually make it especially in harsh economic times when even the governments of the day are not really giving contracts? it is only through networking. Most consultants are well connected with others which allows them to receive information about possible opportunities at any time of the day or month or year. You have to understand that some people don't provide this information for free but when you are well connected and networked, you don't go looking for information but information goes looking for you. Now when it comes to networking you must realize that if its your first time you will always have to start from somewhere. And whether you are self employed or employed by someone else networking can be really useful to you. Now what are the benefits of networking?Benefits of Networking in the Working Environment
Basically when you are well connected the information which should have been so difficult to find will usually be well accessed. In the working environment you may be an employee who wants to find a better opportunity in a different company with better conditions of service. When you are well connected you will easily get to know of an opportunity even before its advertised in the newspapers. How interesting it would be if you dropped in your application as soon as possible with no questions asked. Did you know that you stand a better chance to getting a job if you applied early. Apart from that, information will allow you to know of various things before making a decision as a company or as a person whose self employed such as the risk attached in undertaking a venture, the costs, the possible results and implications that may affect you. You see when you are well connected its like you know things even before it spreads out further, such can give you a head start against all your competitors.In future we will discuss how to build networks and how to maintain those networks. Remember, no man is an island. Nobody!!!!
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