Good Managers have the right skills and characteristics
Managers are always important for the smooth running of a company. But if there are any people out there who know what qualities good effective managers should have, they will tell you that they should be people who treat their employees well. Managers who have the right skills and characteristics must be able to produce results and not always give excuses for things not happening. In the working environment managers have to supervise their employees and unfortunately are answerable for mix ups that may occur even when it is not necessarily their fault. But then, lets just deeply understand the world of a manager.A Managers World, Being there or not.
It is good to understand the world of a manager and truly get to know what they go through as well. Managers have superiors they report to and sometimes if those superiors mount alot of pressure on them, they will definitely mount that pressure onto their employees. The sequence is obvious isnt it? Pressure from above will trickle down to the common employee which sometimes can be undesirable for the work environment. Some managers have to spend longer hours ensuring that everything is in place for everybody. Managers have to make painful decisions at times of laying off unproductive employees which of course usually sparks a lot of criticism from a lot of other employees in the work environment also. Managers are usually to blame when employees are not performing and not the employees themselves. The work environment can be stressful if a manager cant handle pressure because if a manager falls apart then his unit will definitely follow suit sometimes. But this is not to say that a manager cannot have the qualities that can build a successfull team. Ofcourse they can and that's what distinguishes successfull managers from unsuccessful ones.
Qualities of a Good effective Managers
1) Team Leader; A manager is an employee with added responsibilities and perhaps added pay. However, instead of working all by himself he should be a team leader. He should be a leader and not necessarily a boss. You see a leader drives fellow employees to do the work but a boss just gives orders. In the working environment a team leader is much desired.
2) Open to suggestions; When someone is a manager that doesn't necessarily mean that he knows everything although that may be the most desirable thing. However, the manager must be open to suggestion from employees even if sometimes he knows he may have the right answers.
3) Able to spot a problem; A good manager must be quick to spot a problem and solve it promptly. Employees may not be able to see a problem quickly but for a manager that should be a piece of cake...Or atleast it should look like it was a piece of cake.
4) Strong and Firm Character; Every manager should have principles, work ethics and guidelines he abides to. Such managers should not be people who are easily compromised by the views and opinions of others.
Being a skilled and effective manager may require much more, but in this time and age the qualities that should appeal more should be those that will lead a team to good results for the benefit of a good work environment.
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